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A Fluent (language translation) resource file codec.


The fluent-syntax crate from Project Fluent parses Fluent FTL files. It provides a deserialisation only from the Resource level.

This crate:

It has been written for lingora (a localization management program), and may be found to be useful outside of that context.

It is not intended to replace any aspects of the fluent-rs crate implemented by Project Fluent, and, for the majority of language translation needs, the reader is referred back to that crate.

Usage fluent4rs fluent-syntax
Programmatic inspection & editing of ftl files ?
Language translation in a program x fluent


Feature Description
default All features are disabled
hash Allow AST nodes to be hashed, for potential usages in HashMaps
serde Allow AST nodes to be serialised / deserialised
trace Include tracing to stderr in the DefaultVisitor implementation
walker Provide AST walker and visitors


cargo test --all-features

AST Image View

